1. I have been praying for years for my husband, lost family members, friends, and those God put on my heart. I thank God for Carla Butaud as she has opened a door that was not accessed by myself in the past. Her Biblical teachings on healing and deliverance has ignited my Spirit in such a way that moves me to the front lines of battle with the enemy. Her honest approach with the anointing of God brings revelation, wisdom and healing.
Thank you Carla for polishing the Armor of God I wear daily. ~ Sm
- Luke 10:19
2. I just wanted to write to you and tell you a few things that happened to me after listening to several of your podcasts...
I was in Rome for a few hours. It started raining hard. After about ten minutes of hiding underneathe a tree with an umbrella (not so safe if there's lightening - I know), it came to my mind that I have dominion over the weather. So I commanded the rain to stop in Jesus' name several times. And it stopped - just like that. I couldn't believe it.
Another story - I work in a very dark place with people who are filled with all sorts of spirits. Everytime there was a staff meeting, I would get irritated. I couldn't figure it out, then I heard one of your podcasts - and put it together. It's a meeting of all those spirits. So this last meeting, I decided to pray over the room, and declared that no evil spirits could enter the room. About an hour later, I received an email stating the room would be changed. I started to laugh, then went to the other room and prayed. I also bound every ungodly spirit within each person who attended the meeting... No irritation.
3. Indiana. I taught on 'Tools for these Times'--about two weeks after I got back home I received this picture with a testimony. A young woman who was in the meeting heard the angel teaching and then this house fire happened in her neighborhood --The family was still inside the house. She was feeling panicked for them. Then she remembered the teaching which included calling on angels and "gave it a try". She took this picture from her car, but didn't see the figure at the back right corner until later. They found the family in the room where the angel was standing...who had only suffered smoke inhalation! It really was a miracle.